Cia conspiracy crack cocaine

The cia and aids conspiracy theories printout time. It started when webb wrote a series of three articles for the san jose mercury news in 1996 dubbed dark alliance. Sep 25, 2014 a widely read newspaper series leads many americans to believe cia is guilty of at least complicity, if not conspiracy, in the outbreak of crack cocaine in americas cities. In this episode, chris calton explains how the potent mix of politicans and fake news created the myth of the crack baby. Amongst webbs fundamental problems was his implication that the cia lit the crack cocaine fuse. The cocaine cia conspiracy theory involves the fact that many of the same personnel used by the cia to smuggle arms into leftist countries in central america and south america, also made money smuggling coke, because the arms business wasnt exactly full time. On august 18, 1996, the san jose mercury news published the first installment of a threepart series of articles concerning crack cocaine, the central intelligence agency cia. Crack cocaine the great conspiracy to destroy the black. Conspiracy theories can often ring true the washington post.

The cia, the drug dealers, and the tragedy of gary webb. Contracocaine was a real conspiracy sagacious news. Allegations of a cia connection to crack cocaine epidemic. Chief trump tormenter maxine waters once alleged the cia. Cnn cia admits it overlooked contras links to drugs. Sep 20, 2019 journalist gary webb was discredited for his 1996 investigative report linking the cia to crack cocaine that devastated vulnerable black neighborhoods. Mar 21, 2015 it said dark alliance caused many americans to believe the cia was guilty of at least complicity, if not conspiracy in the crack cocaine outbreak in u. A washington post investigation into ross, blandon, meneses and the u. Apr 26, 2017 if the cia trafficking cocaine into the united states sounds like some tin foil conspiracy theory, think again. Special reports cocaine, conspiracy theories and the cia in. The contra rebels were in full flow in nicaragua, and reportedly the cia turned a blind eye to the rebels exporting significant amounts of cocaine for funding. On kill the messenger and the ongoing legacy of gary webb in 2014, gary webbs life was memorialized in the biopic kill the messenger, which recounted the tragic turn webbs life took following his controversial series on the cia crack cocaine connection.

Ross, 36, who, along with two other men were convicted of. In 1996, a bombshell report by journalist gary webb claimed that the central intelligence agency cia supported cocaine trafficking into the u. Any potential profits would have to go into a fund or funds to disbursed for operations as needed or directly into the us treasury. The gulfstream ii, tail number n987sa, was allegedly transporting cia. In 1996 gary webb wrote a series of articles published in the san jose mercury news, which investigated nicaraguans linked to the cia backed contras who had smuggled cocaine into the u. A widely read newspaper series leads many americans to believe cia is guilty of at least complicity, if not conspiracy, in the outbreak of crack cocaine in americas inner cities. In 1996, san jose mercury news writer gary webb published a story saying that the cia was complicit in selling cocaine to l.

According to new york magazine, the contra cocaine story smugly dubbed the last great conspiracy theory of the twentieth century started with the claim by crack kingpin ricky ross that he was working with a nicaraguan cocaine supplier, oscar danilo blandon, who had ties to the contras who, in turn, had ties to the cia. Oct 10, 2014 in his report, webb who had won a pulitzer in 1989 for a different story claimed that the cia was partly responsible for bringing crack cocaine to the united states in the 1980s. Webbs series led to three federal investigations, none of which found evidence of any conspiracy by the cia or its employees to bring drugs into the united states. The cia, the contras, and the crack cocaine explosion. His articles asserted that the cia was aware of the cocaine. There has, on the other hand, been a lot of conjecture. Since the centers for disease control and prevention first reported the hivaids epidemic in 1981, rumors have persisted that the deadly virus was created by the cia to wipe out homosexuals and african americans. He also went on about how the cia and other government agencies would warn drug dealers before a raid and how they would let drug dealers with major crimes walk away with.

To help fund their campaign, the cia allowed rebels to flood american cities with crack cocaine, with the help of street dealers like las freeway rick. The cia was complicit, but not directly involved in the cocaine trafficking of the 1980s which led directly to the crack epidemic. The cia, contras, gangs, and crack institute for policy. Conspiracy theorists still believe, however, that the government agency did in fact bring the crack epidemic to black communities and their denials have.

Freeway ricky ross and the cia cocaine conspiracy for gq magazine, 2003 in the 80s the us government financed a dirty war by bankrolling the contras against the leftwing sandanistas of nicaragua. During the korean war, the first allegations of cia drug trafficking surfaced after 1949, stemming from a deal whereby arms were supplied to chiang kaisheks defeated generals in exchange for intelligence. In the 1980s and 1990s, waters aggressively pushed a nowdebunked conspiracy theory that the cia was behind the flow of crack cocaine into americas cities. A revised version was published in 1999 that incorporated webbs response to the cia and justice department reports. What the cia was doing was buying the controls to get the drug into. May 01, 2004 trained, and financed in part by the cia, sold cocaine in the united states through freeway ricky ross and funneled profits back to the contras. In october 1998, the cia released a declassified version of hitzs twovolume report, and the cia was cleared of its alleged complicity in the spread of crack cocaine in to the innercities. Here are 10 things to know about gary webb and his report that linked the cia to crack cocaine. If the cia trafficking cocaine into the united states sounds like some tin foil conspiracy theory, think again. In 1996 the agency was accused of being a crack dealer.

It said dark alliance caused many americans to believe the cia was guilty of at least complicity, if not conspiracy in the crack cocaine outbreak in u. Aug 30, 2012 in october 1998, the cia released a declassified version of hitzs twovolume report, and the cia was cleared of its alleged complicity in the spread of crackcocaine in to the innercities. As the land border became more tightly controlled, cocaine would be shipped via the caribbean and the bahamas and end up in miami. Dec 31, 2004 crack, the cia and black americas drug crisis. Mainstream media finally exposes cia drug trafficking. In october 1998, the cia released a declassified version of hitzs twovolume report, and the cia was cleared of its alleged complicity in the spread of.

Based on a yearlong investigation, reporter gary webb wrote that during the 1980s the cia helped finance its covert war against nicaraguas leftist government through sales of cutrate cocaine to south central l. The cocainecia conspiracy theory involves the fact that many of the same personnel used by the cia to smuggle arms into leftist countries in central america and south america, also made money smuggling coke, because the arms business wasnt exactly full time. In his report, webb who had won a pulitzer in 1989 for a different story claimed that the cia was partly responsible for bringing crack cocaine to the united states in the 1980s. Now some members of the black community, relying on a series last summer in the san jose mercury news, point at the cia because smugglers tied to. Did the cia really introduce cocainecrack to the u.

In july 1995, san jose mercurynews reporter gary webb found the big onethe blockbuster story every journalist secretly dreams aboutwithout even looking for it. Many readers interpreted the series to assert that the cia and other agencies of the united states government had intentionally funneled crack cocaine into black communities by either permitting or endorsing cocaine trafficking by blandon and meneses. The san jose mercury news articles spurred renewed interest in the subject of drug trafficking in support of the contras, particularly the allegation that certain contra supporters described in the articles trafficked drugs with the knowledge and support of the cia and were responsible for the crack explosion in southern california and. A simple phone call concerning an unexceptional pending drug trial turned into a massive conspiracy involving the nicaraguan contra rebels, l. Others however argued that this is not true and that its some sort of liberal agenda to demonize reagans term. The cia, contras, gangs, and crack institute for policy studies. In more extreme versions of the story circulating on talk radio and the internet, the agency was the instrument of a consistent strategy by the us government to destroy the black community and to keep black americans from advancing. A number of writers have alleged that the united states central intelligence agency cia was involved in cocaine trafficking during the 1980s.

Hello reddit, i was doing a little research on the crack epidemic of the 1980s and from what i read the cia introduce crack cocaine to the u. Freeway ricky ross and the cia cocaine conspiracy sanjiv b. Eighteen years after it was published, dark alliance, the san jose mercury newss bombshell investigation into links between the cocaine. Ricky ross was apprehended after a drug sting by the dea which was organized by blandon, after he was captured by the dea. A powerful series by investigative reporter gary webb of the san jose mercury news says the answer may be yes. Being an agency of the us government, the cia really cant profit from any transaction,legal or illegal. In the early 80s, crack and cocaine ravaged neighborhoods in the u. How the cia watched over the destruction of gary webb. Back in 1996, gary webb of the san jose mercury news broke a story stating not only that the nicaraguan contras supported by the united states in a rebellion against their leftleaning government were involved in the us crack cocaine epidemic of the 1980s, but also that the cia knew and turned a blind eye to the operation. Those african americans who bought and distributed crack cocaine and bought and used the automatic weapons that flowed at the end of the contra pipeline were themselves victims of a grand ciaorchestrated conspiracy designed to use the black community as pawns in the reagan and bush administrations attempts to dislodge the sandinistas. Their role in the drug trade was exposed in 1996 in a critical investigative series dark alliance by gary webb for the san jose mercury news. Key figures in ciacrack cocaine scandal begin to come forward.

According to the series, blandon was the johnny appleseed of crack in californiadistributing thousands of kilos of colombian cocaine to black dealers like ricky ross. Webb spoke about the deep corruption of the cia, how they worked with drug dealers to financially support the contras, and how this fueled the crack cocaine problem in l. Oct 18, 2017 during the 1980s, the war on drugs became defined by cocaine and crack. Did the cia play a role in launching the crackcocaine epidemic. Even today, the conspiracy theory has a number of highprofile believers. Their alleged role in the drug trade was exposed in 1996 in an explosive investigative series dark alliance by gary webb for the san jose mercury news. The cia cocainefilled plane that crashed in mexico top. Nov 30, 2017 in 2007 an aircraft known as gulfstream ii crashed in a jungle in yucatan, mexico. Straight outta compton, did the cia infiltrate rap music. A complete history of crack cocaine drug rehab options. Later in the same region, while the cia was sponsoring a secret war in laos from 1961 to 1975, it was openly accused of trafficking heroin in the area then known. Cia developed crack to kill off blacks the conspiracy blog.

Pablo escobars son reveals his dad worked for the cia. In october 1998, the cia released a declassified version of hitzs twovolume report, and the cia was cleared of its alleged complicity in the spread of crackcocaine in to the innercities. Both, it was argued, were involved with financing the frente democratica nicaraguense fdn, the largest of several cia funded and trained anticommunist groups commonly known as the contras. A widely read newspaper series leads many americans to believe cia is guilty of at least complicity, if not conspiracy, in the outbreak of crack cocaine in americas cities.

The subject of todays hearings involves the allegations of cia in volvement in the u. Contracocaine was a real conspiracy consortiumnews. The ciacontracrack conspiracy, however, deserves an upgrade. The series claimed to have traced the crack cocaine explosion to two nicaraguan cocaine dealers, oscar danilo blandon reyes and norwin meneses cantarero. An illustration for the series that appears on the newspapers internet web site has the cias insignia superimposed over a man smoking crack and below the title, dark alliance the story.

Based on a yearlong investigation, reporter gary webb wrote that during the 1980s the cia helped finance its covert war against nicaraguas leftist government through sales of cutrate cocaine to south central. Further, these contra financiers allegedly delivered cocaine on a cutrate basis to ricky donnell ross, a south central crack dealer, who turned the cocaine into crack and sold it wholesale. First exposed by webb in 1996 in the san jose mercury news, and then fleshed out in his book, dark alliance, the allegations are not based on a jumble of spurious and imagined connections, but on a strong and plausible chain of evidence. Cia involvement in contra cocaine trafficking wikipedia. Gary webb, the journalist who busted the cia for selling crack. During the 1980s, the war on drugs became defined by cocaine and crack. According to new york magazine, the contracocaine story smugly dubbed the last great conspiracy theory of the twentieth century started with the claim by crack kingpin ricky ross that he was working with a nicaraguan cocaine supplier, oscar danilo blandon, who had ties to the contras who, in turn, had ties to the cia. Justice report finds no cia link to crack cocaine trafficking july 23, 1998 contra leaders say cia not involved in drug sales november 26, 1996 deutch confronts angry l. A series of expose articles in the san jose mercurynews by reporter gary webb told tales of a drug. Secret ties between cia, drugs revealed the final call. Decadesold cia crackcocaine scandal gains new momentum.

Special reports cocaine, conspiracy theories and the cia. In his report, webb who had won a pulitzer in 1989 for a different story claimed that the cia was partly responsible for bringing crack cocaine to. The february 2000 report by the house intelligence committee in turn considered the books claims as well as the series claims. Key figures in ciacrack cocaine scandal begin to come. The charges of cia involvement in contra cocaine trafficking were revived in 1996, when a newspaper series by reporter gary webb in the san jose mercury news claimed that the trafficking had played an important role in the creation of the crack cocaine drug problem in the united states.